blah blah blah blah blah
!:?) <!:?)@invalid.nett> wrote in message
> "!:?\) IS A USENET STALKER" <***> wrote in message
> news:***@
> <--Brad Jesness is a Spanked Commercial Spammer & Cyberstalking Troll out
> for Revenge while *bravely* hiding behind Anonymous Remailers etched this
> into USENET History!:?0)
> This is a perfect example of Brad Jesness being a vindictive abusive
> Spamming Stalker to harass, intimidate and bully his critics to silence
> by drowning them in hundreds of EMP & ECP Spam Posts about them or DNSBL
> Blocklists!
> Would you want this type of person as your Mental Health Professional?
> Brad is not a Licensed Psychologist but he has and is trying to pass
> off as one!
> Making or using MMPI-2 scoring programs not authorized by the publisher is
> illegal!
> Remember these Spams of your's Brad?
> Subject: For $21 Give Your WHOLE Family the MMPI-2 for Christmas!!
> Message-ID: <***@>
> Subject: Christmas: Give your whole family the MMPI-2 for $20.98
> Message-ID: <***@>
> Subject: Christmas: Give your whole family the MMPI-2 for $19.99
> Message-ID: <***@>
> What, want to see the whole thing?
> You got it then:
> Note the Subject: Christmas: Give your whole family the MMPI-2 for $20.98
> -------- Original Message --------
> From: - Fri Dec 09 19:41:41 2005
> X-Mozilla-Status: 1001
> X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000
> From: XXXdarb <***@liamNOtoh.mSPAMoc>
> Newsgroups: alt.society.mental-health
> Subject: Christmas: Give your whole family the MMPI-2 for $20.98
> Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2005 23:21:20 +0000 (UTC)
> Organization: n/a
> Lines: 6
> Message-ID: <***@>
> NNTP-Posting-Host: D3uk6Gy0/
> X-Complaints-To: ***
> User-Agent: Xnews/5.04.25
> Path:
> Xref: alt.society.mental-health:1017
> Christmas: Give your whole family the MMPI-2 for $20.98
> A Christmas Idea.
> Give Your Family the MMPI-2 for Christmas. Anyone can.
> Here's how
> How about another just because I got a bunch of them!
> Path:
> From: XXXdarb <***@liamNOtoh.mSPAMoc>
> Newsgroups: soc.culture.usa
> Subject: Christmas: Give your whole family the MMPI-2 for $19.99
> Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2005 20:57:26 +0000 (UTC)
> Organization: n/a
> Lines: 6
> Message-ID: <***@>
> NNTP-Posting-Host:
> X-Complaints-To: ***
> User-Agent: Xnews/5.04.25
> Christmas: Give your whole family the MMPI-2 for $19.99
> This is a Great Christmas Idea.
> Give Your Family the MMPI-2 for Christmas. Anyone can.
> Here's how
> Brad's Domains pulled for Spamming:
> Guess we all know why your here EMP & ECP Spaming the Anti-Spam Newsgroups
> attacking Spews and other Blocklists.
> Revenge for my having 6 of your Domains pulled maybe?
> Sucks to be a Spammer Brad?
> And must really Suck to be Outed by your own Posts huh Brad?:?o)
> WHOOOTTT!!!!!!!:?o)
> > Ok hey, Want more on this. Hey!! As some wise person wrote:
> >
> > Day 185 of Joe Jared & Kevin Filan being CLOWNS
> >
> > <snip> Brad's Lies removed!
> >
> First Brad claims I'm Joe Jared then Taylor until I pointed out I'm on the
> East Coast and Joe and Taylor are on the West Coast!
> So much for Brad's investigative Skills!
> He couldn't even check the Posting times for the Time Zones LOL!
> Then I let him see my IP to see if he could figure out what State I was in
> and he Failed yet again LOL!
> He then claimed I was Kevin Cannon, then Kevin Wilson then Kevin Filan
> Brad has even put money up to find out my ID!
> Now I'm not using a Anonymous Remailer like Brad does but since I use the
> Truth and his very own Posts to prove he's a Liar, Forger, Poser and
> Spammers he can't force my Host to give up my ID LOL!:?o)
> Brad Jesness Investigated as a Cyberstalker by The Bureau of Criminal
> Apprehension in Minnesota for Cyberstalking a Psychologist!:?0
> Brad is ticked he can't pull the above Photo Copy off that Web Site!
> If it were Fake Brad would have had it Pulled a long, long time ago!
> Brad's claims it's Altered and he could very easily prove it is or isn't
> Posting his own Copy of the Agreement, but he won't!
> So now Brad has his own Documents, 2 of them yet in Word Format, on his
> Sites.
> The Definition of Desperation as Brad abandons all Common Sense.
> Brad Jesness's 2 Forged Word Documents from the BCA clearing him of
> Cyberstalking should be in PDF Format but are not.
> The Embedded Creation and Modifacation Dates in both Word Documents and
> Attachment to the Orginal Email show they were all Edited using a MS Word
> Program Registered to the Minnesota Public School System!
> Wow talk about making it easy to prove he's a Liar and a Forger!
> Check out that IP he has there!!!!
> Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2006 16:00:31 +0000 (UTC)
> Message-ID: <***@>
> And that's Brad's IP he uses in some of his in his Digitally Signed Posts
> too @!!!!!!!!!
> Let's see you talk your way out of this one Brad!!!!!!!!!!
> All this, just because Joe Jared is mad that Brad J may have
> made ONE IRRELEVANT Word doc with Minneapolis Public School
> software???
> And that's for your Word Documents that you claim clear you of
> from the BCA LOL!!!!!!!
> Since when is the Minnesota Public School System part of the BCA?
> Brad's Wife works for the Minnesota Public School System as a School
> Principle!
> Guess we know where Brad got his copy of MS Word from and was too cheap to
> buy his own copy!
> Even the Original Email's Attachment Brad Posted in NANAE said the same
> thing and it's all Archived in Google and Brad's very own Newsgroup
> alt.brad.jesness.die.die.die!
> Brad didn't know about the Registation Info embedded in the Documents as
> this was about a month before the BTK Serial Killer was caught and
> Ironically was caught exactly the same way Brad was LOL!:?o)
> Brad has since changed the Registered Info on the Forged Letters but they
> have already been Archived!
> Brad didn't do his research though because....
> All Official State and Federal Documents are in PDF Format and not Word!
> All Police, State and Federal Courts, Congress, The White House, Library
> Congress, All Public Libraries etc...
> In otherwords... all Government Agencies use PDF Format!
> The fact that *no* PD in the country would ever clear anyone in
> writing because it's Policy *not* to, somehow never occured to Brad!
> Here's a good example why:
> 1. Brad is from Minnesota.
> 2. Denis Rader the Stalking BTK Serial Killer is also from Minnesota.
> 3. Brad's Letters are to clear Brad of *Cyberstalking*!
> 4. Brad's Letters are dated *BEFORE* the BTK Killer was caught.
> Number 4 kind of tells you the BCA wasn't clearing anyone of anything at
> that time, much less for any type of Stalking while BTK was on the loose!
> Now for the sake of arguement, let's say it *was* Policy to give out such
> Letter.
> What Police Department in their right mind would ever write such a Letter
> where there was even the slightest possibility they might give it to a
> Type Killer* clearing them of Stalking,... now I ask you, what PD would be
> so STUPID?!
> And what if there were ever such a Letter and that Letter ever saw the
> of Day?
> The Media would have a Field Day raking the *BCA* over the Coals along
> the *Officer* who wrote it!
> To think that *any* Police Officer would ever write one such Letter, let
> alone two of them, at the time BTK was on the loose is Laughable at best!
> To have us believe the BCA would write such a Letter while they were still
> looking for Denis Rader, The BTK Serial Killer, is simply,... AMAZING!
> And yet, this is what Brad Jesness wants us to believe!
> Wake up and smell what your shoveling Brad, no ones buying it!:?o)
> Brad's own personal News Group Archive of nearly 3,000 BJ Posts!:?o)
> Embarrassing to be outed by yourself ain't it Brad?
> *alt.brad.jesness.die.die.die*
> For Brad Jesness FAQ's Please see;
> (AKA
> And then there are the dependable:
> --
> Kevin!:?o)
> And as if that were not enough there's more!
> --
> Posted via a free Usenet account from