<--Brad Jesness Spanked Spammer & Cyberstalking Troll hiding behind Anonymous Remailers etched this into USENET History!:?0)
(too old to reply)
2006-07-12 15:54:05 UTC
2006-07-13 14:01:56 UTC
"anon" <***@no.email> wrote in message news:***@

<--Brad Jesness is a Spanked Commercial Spammer & Cyberstalking Troll out
for Revenge while *bravely* hiding behind Anonymous Remailers etched this
into USENET History!:?0)

Attempts to redirect replies to NANAE removed!

This is a perfect example of Brad Jesness being a vindictive abusive
Spamming Stalker to harass, intimidate and bully his critics to silence them
by drowning them in hundreds of EMP & ECP Spam Posts about them or DNSBL

Would you want this type of person as your Mental Health Professional?

Brad is not a Licensed Psychologist but he has and is trying to pass himself
off as one!

Making or using MMPI-2 scoring programs not authorized by the publisher is

Remember these Spams of your's Brad?

Subject: For $21 Give Your WHOLE Family the MMPI-2 for Christmas!!
Message-ID: <***@>
Subject: Christmas: Give your whole family the MMPI-2 for $20.98
Message-ID: <***@>
Subject: Christmas: Give your whole family the MMPI-2 for $19.99
Message-ID: <***@>

What, want to see the whole thing?
You got it then:

Note the Subject: Christmas: Give your whole family the MMPI-2 for $20.98

-------- Original Message --------
From: - Fri Dec 09 19:41:41 2005
X-Mozilla-Status: 1001
X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000
From: XXXdarb <***@liamNOtoh.mSPAMoc>
Newsgroups: alt.society.mental-health
Subject: Christmas: Give your whole family the MMPI-2 for $20.98
Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2005 23:21:20 +0000 (UTC)
Organization: n/a
Lines: 6
Message-ID: <***@>
NNTP-Posting-Host: D3uk6Gy0/XR5iV4r2d74Ug.user.domitilla.aioe.org
X-Complaints-To: ***@aioe.org
User-Agent: Xnews/5.04.25
Xref: x-privat.org alt.society.mental-health:1017

Christmas: Give your whole family the MMPI-2 for $20.98

A Christmas Idea.
Give Your Family the MMPI-2 for Christmas. Anyone can.
Here's how


How about another just because I got a bunch of them!

From: XXXdarb <***@liamNOtoh.mSPAMoc>
Newsgroups: soc.culture.usa
Subject: Christmas: Give your whole family the MMPI-2 for $19.99
Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2005 20:57:26 +0000 (UTC)
Organization: n/a
Lines: 6
Message-ID: <***@>
NNTP-Posting-Host: ZR5mz3YyirUwLAS27t2CiQ.user.domitilla.aioe.org
X-Complaints-To: ***@aioe.org
User-Agent: Xnews/5.04.25

Christmas: Give your whole family the MMPI-2 for $19.99

This is a Great Christmas Idea.
Give Your Family the MMPI-2 for Christmas. Anyone can.
Here's how


Brad's Domains pulled for Spamming:

Guess we all know why your here EMP & ECP Spaming the Anti-Spam Newsgroups
attacking Spews and other Blocklists.

Revenge for my having 6 of your Domains pulled maybe?

Sucks to be a Spammer Brad?
And must really Suck to be Outed by your own Posts huh Brad?:?o)

Since I'm NOT Kevin Filan that doesn't bother me Brad!
Just because we share the same first name doesn't mean we are the same
Boy are you that despreate to discredit me that you'd pull such OBVIOUS

I caught you Spamming and had 6 of your Domains pulled.
I caught you Forging and proved you were investigated for Stalking!
I caught you passing yourself off as a Psychologist and proved it with your
own Posts!
And I've caught you in Lie after Lie after Lie again using your own Posts to
prove it!

Sucks to be you don't it Brad!

Brad Jesness Investigated as a Cyberstalker by The Bureau of Criminal
Apprehension in Minnesota for Cyberstalking a Psychologist!:?0
Loading Image...

Brad is ticked he can't pull the above Photo Copy off that Web Site!
If it were Fake Brad would have had it Pulled a long, long time ago!

Brad claims it is Altered but won't Post his Copy of the Agreement to prove

All Brad's claims it's Altered are Lies since he could very easily prove it
is or isn't by Posting his Copy of the Agreement, but he won't!

So now Brad has his own Documents, 2 of them yet, on his Web Sites.
The Definition of Desperation as Brad abandons all Common Sense.

Brad Jesness's 2 Forged Word Documents from the BCA clearing him of
Cyberstalking should be in PDF Format but are not.

The Embedded Creation and Modifacation Dates in both Word Documents and the
Attachment to the Orginal Email show they were all Edited using a MS Word
Registered to the Minnesota Public School System!

Since when is the Minnesota Public School System part of the BCA?
Brad's Wife works for the Minnesota Public School System as a School

Guess we know where Brad got his MS Word from and was too cheap to buy his
own copy!

Even the Original Email's Attachment Brad Posted in NANAE said the same
thing and it's all Archived in Google and Brad's very own Newsgroup

Brad didn't know about the Registation Info embedded in the Documents as
this was about a month before the BTK Serial Killer was caught and
Ironically was caught exactly the same way Brad was LOL!:?o)

Brad has since changed the Registered Info on one Letter and the Original
Attachment and that shows why it is not used by State or Federal Agencies
since it is so easy to Forge in Word!

Brad didn't do his research though because....
All Official State and Federal Documents are in PDF Format and not Word!

Also Police, State and Federal Courts, Congress, The White House, Library of
Congress, All Public Libraries etc... all use PDF Format!

The fact that *no* PD in the country would ever clear anyone in
writing because it's Policy *not* to, somehow never occured to Brad!

The fact such a Letter exists at all proves it to be a Forgery because of
that fact alone!

Here's a good example why:

1. Police Policy is not to Comfirm or Deny a past or present Investigation.
2. Brad is from Minnesota.
3. Denis Rader the BTK Serial Killer is also from Minnesota.
4. Brad's Letters are to clear Brad of *Cyberstalking*!
5. Brad's Letters are dated *before* the BTK Killer was caught.

Number 5 kind of tells you the BCA wasn't clearing anyone at that time, much
less for Cyberstalking while BTK was on the loose!

And Number 1 has always required a Court Order for any PD's Records.

Now for the sake of arguement, let's say it *was* Policy to give out such a

What Police Department in their right mind would ever write such a Letter
where there is even the slightest possibility they might give it to the *BTK
Killer* by mistake,... now I ask you, what PD?!

# Remember Brad's Letters are Dated *before* BTK was caught! #

And what if there were such a Letter and that Letter *ever* saw the Light of
The Media would have a Field Day raking the *BCA* over the Coals along with
the *Officer* who wrote it!

To think that *any* Police Officer would ever write one such Letter, let
alone two, at that time is Laughable at best!

To have us believe the BCA would write such a Letter while they were still
looking for Denis Rader, The BTK Serial Killer, is simply,... AMAZING!

And yet, this is what Brad wants us to believe!

Brad's own personal News Group Archive of nearly 3,000 BJ Posts!:?o)
Embarrassing to be outed by yourself ain't it Brad?

For Brad Jesness FAQ's Please see;
http://www.wilhelp.com/bj_faq/archive.html (AKA www.bradjesness.com)

And then there are the dependable:

And as if that were not enough there's more!
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
your friend
2006-07-14 11:12:56 UTC
LEGAL BILLS. Criminal-type psychopaths and extortions
and spamming lying defaming hope-to-be-anon stalking
harassers "hang together" I suppose.
THERE IS NO "Taylor Jimenez", but there is a Joe Jared,
who matches ALL specific known-for-sure facts about
"Taylor Jimenez". see: http://cyberper.cnc.net/anonCowardStalker.htm
Joe Jared, PROVEN to be "Taylor Jimenez": http://joejared.cc
Hey Brad, didn't you say that Kevin and Joe were the same person. Do I need to
refresh your memmory with your posts? Is this another example of your 'forensic
research' skills? Remember Taylor's sig

Date: Fri, 08 Apr 2005 14:54:33 -0700
Message-ID: <***@wilhelp.com>

Mr. Melissa Villeneuve
Hammer of Thor, September 2002
AKA Sanford Wallace - According to Brad Jesness until 02/09/05
AKA Mr. Melissa Villeneuve -- According to Brad Jesness from 02/09/05
Message-ID: <***@reece.net.au>
AKA Sanford Wallace, again - After Brad Jesness won yet another HL&S after
giving up his three year long lie to claim his "forensic research" proved
I was "Mr. Melissa Villeneuve."
Message-ID: <***@wilhelp.com>
Hey Brad, you messed up the Followup-To
from your headers
Newsgroups: alt.society.mental-health,alt.spam,mn.general
Followup-To: news.admin.net-abuse.email

Don't worry I fixed it for you and added your 'home newsgroup'

And why won't you answer this question?
{from a poster in MN.general}

Hey Brad-

Why do you persist in posting such offal in your "home group"?

When have you ever posted anything other than such offal in your "home

Do you really have anything of substance to offer in your "home group",
or do you plan on continuing to let your own words mock you here as well
as the rest of usenet.

Have a nice day. But really, find some other venue. No one in your
"home group" wants this crap here. You are just making yourself look

Have a Nice Weekend,
Your Friend
